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ter’dropped-by’ :P


psstt…nak join tak? hehe..we’re here again..on last weekend..that’s
the final week for metrojaya’s hot sales kot if I’m not mistaken

my bro memang suka kalau I datang masa hot-sales camni..the reason
cos takyah pakai his staff purchase punya discount..the hot sales
dah sampai 70% maa..hehe


that day dah sambar the kids punya..followed by baba punya and now
my turn I dah aim kat Laura Ashley ni..boleh baru terperasan
diorang dah buka satu kat sini 😛



gi lah berlari2 anak ke sana sini yer..bagi mama freedom a bit


tapi part gi washroom they insist me jugak to bring them..aishhh very
the chaos jadinya..


supporter terhormat..


erkkk…ok ini pun ada hot sales tau 😛



put the stuffs aside..and one pose dulu before shoot back home



the kids dah kepenatan…mandi pool punya hal


ini adalah wajib…buy 1 free 1..tak pernah habis promo ni..sukerr!


kira masuk kategori mengidam sepanjang hayat boleh?? hahahaa…!

Note: to those yang kenal hawa let’s pray for her to recover soon…
she had just undergo an operation..appendiks pecah..the operation
went well and she still been warded..only god knows how she feels
sebab her only lil princess kena tidur nursery for few days without
knowing the reason why the mother tak balik2 ambil dia…hope she
will be strong n her beloved mia will always be fine 😉

*_can’t sleept tight without the lil sunshine of mine_*

Comments on: "ter’dropped-by’ :P" (14)

  1. huwaaaa..bestnye sopinggggg….. i likeeee

    *j M*
    shoppingnya tak seberapa pun…havoc jer lebih…hehe

  2. sukala tgk akak..lembut je org nya..klu time mrh tgk akak mesti tak jd marah..mesti akak ni peramah kn?

    *Mrs Taj*
    erkkk…tang mana nmpk lembut tu…hehe…tak tgk akak mengganas dgn hero2 tu
    …tp akak mmg sukaaa berkawan n bersembang! harap2 kita bleh jmpa one fine day

  3. uhuu…..beshnyerrr jenjalan…shopping gn family…

    mmg spending time dgn family adalah waktu yg paling bestkan…

  4. kat msia semedang je aku nengok ada sales…

    p/s: bila hawa masuk hospital? hope she will be fine soon. send my regard to her…

    itu yg hantu shopping berlegar2 jer…

    …hawa operation last 2 days…aku dah gi visit dia…she’s fine

  5. syioknya ‘ter’ tu…
    me kena stop bab2 ‘ter’ tu..gawat time, kena alert 😀
    tapi mmg worth lah 70% tu kan

    i don’t know personally who she is but i do doakan she gets well soon… bergenang plak airmata i terkenangkan her baby staying kat nursery wondering when her mom coming back ~ me hati tisu *uhuks*

    time hot-sales oklah shopping takat termampu jer
    …tq for ur concern about hawa

  6. sy pun mengidam air tuuu jugak

    hehe..cpt gi cari!

  7. sorry to hear about hawa
    sian lagi pada daughter nye
    hope she will recover soon!

    hope so…tq for ur concern anyway

  8. huhuhu best2 sales.. manyak sales yer saya bila time sales jek poket kering camne nak beli hihihi

    kesian anak hawa.. saya doakan hawa cepat sembuh walaupun saya x berapa pasti sama ada mengenali hawa atau x..

    *Mama Mya*
    oklah tu…kalau sales tgh poket lebat tak terkawal nafsu..hehe

    tq sbb doakan hawa yer…

  9. “ter” katanya… tp dah siap aim aim.. hahahhaha… ter sgt lah tuh… hiks… so apa yg di beli… 😉

    p/s eventho tak kenal but then i still pray for hawa’s recovery…

    haha…aim pasalnya weekend before dh dtg beli the kids punya apparel…

    tq for ur pray…

  10. kat avenue k punya metrojaya ntah apa2x ntah..
    mcm segan hidup mati xmau(betul ke ni??)

    besnyaaa 70%..

    tatapi..poket kut dah

    say no to SHOPPING (remind to myself) hehehe

    *Munirah Abd*
    same goes to me…jimat cermat!

  11. though leez skenal ‘hawa’, but i pray dat she’ll get well soon.. aminnn..

    tq for ur concern…

  12. oopppss..! u’ve been tagged! he3..

    oh! okay…

  13. wah 70% tuh……..rugi sungguh dah terlepas peluang nih

    huhu…takpe tungguuu bila ada balik

  14. harap hawa sihat balik…sian bb dia..mesti demam kerinduan…mmm..u suka eh shopping kat mj…i lg suka jusco..hehehe..

    tq for ur pray utk hawa…tu lah sian baby n the mother kan…

    aah…apparel MJ mcm best…hehe…ikut taste memasinglah kan…anyway jusco pun i suka pergi jugak…the kids punya
    apparel kow2 punya murahkan!

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