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About us

Rillys stands for Hairil + Lily..
our life is blessed with 2 cute heroes.
This cyber mansion has been created specially
to share with people out there about
our love & laughter throughout our life.
We would like to keep in touch with our dearest frens,
trackback our long lost frens &
not to be forgotten, new frens are
most welcome too!

More or less about us…

Husband (Hairil)–> IT network
Wife (Lily)–> Multimedia + Event Management network
Kids (abg hero + hero kecik)–> Cartoon network

Feel free to leave comment & suggestion for us..
or u might also contact us thru…
ym–> miss_liely

Tq for ur pleasure time

Comments on: "About us" (10)

  1. cartoon network yang tak tahan tuuuuu ;p

  2. *Ahmad . M . G*

    hehe..itulah kenyataannya šŸ˜›

  3. comel sgt hero2..hehehe…hepi alwiz 4 all of you..

    hi! tq dear šŸ˜‰
    by the way…u ada blog tak?

  4. Assalamualaikum…

    Hi, just want to say u’ll ni mmg loving couple la. Actually kami mcm knal aje ngan Hairil ni. Dulu dok kat asrama SMKJ kn. Emmm kami kat SMKJ tahun 90 n SPM thun 95. Kami kwn2 klas Ikhwan, Mahadhir. Budak2 Agama la konon mase tu..

    salam šŸ˜‰

    oo ye ke kenal dgn hairil..klau SMKJ tu betul laa..hehe..nanti lily inform kat dia yer!
    anyway camne bleh smpi kat our blog..tq for dropping by yer

  5. huhuhu ieya welcome ….sori dah tak ingat muke le…tapi kalau geng2 bebudak agama SMKJ tu, mau tak ingat…. bekas awek sekolah dulu kan geng2 korang gak…. kekekeke…. rerajin aa jengah sini erk… foward kat kekawan yang lain blog nie kalau masih bercontact montek….

    • x pe kite pun bukan glamer sgt pun mase sekolah dulu. Cume knal2 mcm tu gak. Awak punyer x awex dulu bawah ieya. Geng2 ieya dulu salwa, izwa, mahadir, ikhwan, fifah anis n emmm sape lg yerk… dan seangkatan lah. Ieya ade ckp psal blog ni kt izwa. Ingat lg Joni tak? kami still cntct lg. Nti ieya crite la kat dia psal blog ni. Hari tu on 27th april x silap SMKJ ade wat reunion. Ade dtg ker???

      • salam ieya,
        sori lambat reply…bz banget… huhuhu x awek? hihihii kenal2…. oo joni erk ?… dia kat maner sekarang? terima kasih ieya…. hebah2 kan lee blog nie kalau jumper kekawan lamer….

        hairil aka mancai

        tumpang lalu yer…hik hik

  6. Assalamualikum…

    Ieya bru berksempatan nk selak2 email. Anyway Happy B’lated B’day Lily. Dapat hadiah ape yerk??? Msti special kn…. Lily ni mude lg la. Kire ieya ni akak.

    Criter mcm mane ble trmasuk kt blog lily ni bile surf n search reunion SMKJ akak ternampak la frnster Mancai. Akak pun godek2 la. E2 la critenyer……

    salam sis ieya šŸ˜‰

    thanks for the birthday wish…

  7. x pe kite pun bukan glamer sgt pun mase sekolah dulu. Cume knal2 mcm tu gak. Awak punyer x awex dulu bawah ieya. Geng2 ieya dulu salwa, izwa, mahadir, ikhwan, fifah anis n emmm sape lg yerk… dan seangkatan lah. Ieya ade ckp psal blog ni kt izwa. Ingat lg Joni tak? kami still cntct lg. Nti ieya crite la kat dia psal blog ni. Hari tu on 27th april x silap SMKJ ade wat reunion. Ade dtg ker???

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