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Posts tagged ‘abg’

precious moment ;)


aloha guys!

anak sapelah dlm pic tu..hehe..that’s abg n hero kecik..masa tu abg
was 1++ year and hero kecik was around 3 months..mmg berani mati
betul I amik risiko bg abg pangku hero kecik gitu..hehe

tgk reaksi muka hero kecik mcm cuak jer..sbb abg masa kecik2 suka
yg teramat nak dukung hero kecik..that was so sweet of him..tapi
tak bleh laa kan..a big risk! so abadikanlah kenangan gaya gini jer 😉


so, i nak wish u guys have a great n wonderful weekend!
weekend gonna be extra 1 day kan..9th march is a public holiday
sempena maulud planning for ur beloved family..spend
ur precious time for ur loversss!

*_live ur life to the fullest_*

tali kasut dipagi hari



lama I tak story pasal ragam my 2 heroes ni kan..ok this time pasal
their ragam nak pasang tali their sandal 😀


gigih betul cucuk2..silang2 segala..ekekekee..actually they did this
on purpose tau..they wanted to tease on baba! hehehehee…


see! muka baba yg mcm kena curah dgn cuka..( for the sake of nak
bergambar jer 😛 )..situasi ni masa pagi nak gi kerja..we all
terawal melayan kejap abg n hero kecik..

the kids tak bagi baba pakai kasut yet..nak pasangkan tali kasut
kononnya..hahahaa..but before that they wanted to settle theirs first..!
(padahal kasut baba tak bertali pun..they thought baba gonna use
the sneakers!..haha..) tu yg biar jer bila they don’t let baba wear
the shoes…


‘..alaa wrong lagi!..’ shouted hero kecik

ekekekee..sampai ke sudah tak terikat2 sandalnya..abg dah malas
nak layan tali kasut tu as ‘pocoyo’ dah start..

enough for that..mama n baba nak gi kerja..opis baba just 10 mins from
the opis plak 20 mins away..dekat jer tp tak pernah blk
lunch pun..adalah 2 bulan sekali..kehkehkehh 😛

the moment I reached office..hero kecik called..dia nangis2 kata
tali kasut abg dah buat jadi tali pancing! hahahaa..i suka moment
like this..cheer up my day 😉

*_have fun with the kids_*

morning cupcakes!


morning! haha..sori ekk..masa I posted this entry waktu ucapan
morning tu related dgn the first pic.

lps I dah sesiap nak gi kerja..i turun bawah n nmpk the kids tgh sedap
mamam choc cupcakes! yummyyy..mama nak jugak..muahaha 😛


cupcakes ni my sis yg stay kat seremban tu yg bawa..she’s back at home bawa ole2 gitu..penghuni umah ni mmg hantu kek coklat..end!


ini hero kecik ada hati mau suap mama nya yg dh siap2 nak gedik2
gi opis..kehkehkeh..oh tidaklah nak korbankan kekotoran yg akan time yer dear 😉


and abg..i blm ckp apa2 dia dah sound..ok2 pasnih abg mandi n brush
teeth..hehe..pandai pun..then I grabbed 4 kek-cawan-yg-yummy itu
..bawa bekal gi opis maa..pekena plak dgn hot-choc..wuiii segunung
lah kalori..takpe2..coklat itukan tajamkan otak..dan yg penting
menghindarkan sakit jantung!

*_besides shopping..choc cakes is the best therapy!_*

happy beloved birthday to my LiL’ HerO..abg ;)



my LiL’ HerO..zarif a.k.a abang turns 4 years old today 😉

you’re the precious gift that mama n baba got 4 years ago..
the one who gave us every joy on earth..
it’s you..abg 😉



few months


1 year old



2 years old




3 years old




4 years old…

if mama could’ve one wish in all the world on ur birthday..
mama wish that u would always be happy, forever healthy,
and that your life would be filled with all the things that
bring you laughter and love

happy beloved birthday my lil’ prince!

mama-baba-hasif a.k.a hero kecik


insyaAllah…mcm last year, the birthday party will be held together with
hero kecik’s birthday on july..this I promise u 😉

*_one of the greatest joy has been raising a son like u_*

PA mama kat sume ‘division’


entry ni adalah salah satu adegan masa I jadi fulltime housewife
sementara during cuti panjang CNY haritu 😀

every morning lps mandikan anak n bg bfast..i hadap maa..
sblm berperang kat abg n hero kecik pun I angkut dok dlm
bilik..angkut together satu beg mainan diorg n lambak atas katil..


tapi hero kecik tak puashati I tak join sama golek2 atas katil main
dgn toys diorg sekali..bila dia panggil I dtg kat dia suh tgk apa dia
lukis..dia lari gi kat pc n siap kosongkan meja sblh tu..seb baik
dah siap simpan laptop..tinggal cooler tu jer..klau tak ada yg kedebum
..ditolak dek hero kecik bertuah ni..

between desktop n laptop I prefer guna desktop..klau dah terdesak
yg hamat baru guna laptop..bkn pe tak puas dehh..melainkan Apple
iMac jatuh atas riba i..kompem tak pegang desktop dah..haha


then I know nape dia emptykan the table..dia nak duk atas tu rupanya
..sabar bila I round2 blog org punyalah byk soklan I kena
jawab..sbb dia pun go thru skali..adehh


pastu abg join the group..haha..sblm meja tu runtuh better I off-hand
kat pc dulu..and ajak diorg berperang kat dapur plak..memandangkan
I takde ‘lagi’ anak kena train 2 hero ni kat dapur..

good..jadi PA mama kat pc pun bleh..kat dapur pun bleh..kat laman
sidai baju pun bleh..kat hall lipatkan baju pun bleh..haaaa biar
smpi besar yer..kot nak ngelat kang bleh tunjuk bukti yg ada kat blog
ni..wahh gitulah power ada blog ni..hehe..

*_adapt good things_*