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today is baba’s birthday…! it’s the day he turns 33 😉

Happy wonderful birthday…
The glow of ur love and the warmth of ur care…
make you…my best half 😉

…and you…complete me…


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…and here goes a cute message from our kids…

happy birthday!
a biiiggg huggg n lotsa love to say…
we’re proud to be ‘my Daddy’s son’…!

abang-hero kecik


the marathon birthday celebration for baba, dad and me will be on our
family day this month-end…together with other May-baby…
my beloved cousins…kak nor n hubby…and my beloved uncle…
paksu rahman…insyaAllah 😉

*_precious day_*

Comments on: "happy birthday love ;)" (20)

  1. lily.. tahun nih tahun ke berapa kawin?
    moga bahagia selalu..

    suka baca ucapan kat kad birthday atas tuh 🙂

    tq vagg!
    dah kawin…dlm setengah dekad…hikss

  2. hepi b’day to ur cik abe!
    wishing him all the best life’s to offer and
    smoga berbahgia uols sefamili…and live happily ever after 😀

    tq sis rasp!

  3. happy bday to ur hubby!

    *ayu *
    tq ayu!

  4. epy bDay to hubby sis…rmai rpenyerr TAURUS ekk….

    tq sis!
    aah kan…ramai rupanya

  5. happy b’day..
    semoga pnjg umo & mrh rezeki 🙂

    bestnye celebrate b’day ramai2
    msti bsar-bsaran kan 😉

    tq zeti!
    ramai2 baru meriahkan

  6. ramai betol yg sambut besday bullan Mei ni..waduh waduh waduh..pokai duit ku..heheheh

    p/s ur besday bila sis? ;p

    *mrs taj*
    ramaikan may-baby…hehe…my birthday is on 22nd laa dear…jauh lagi

  7. Ungku Nor said:

    happy besday to babah jugak..hehehe.
    may all the best in life be with you..Amin.

    lily..gindu giler nak masuk sini. akak bizi keje dapat masuk pun sebab mc lama..ihikss

    *ungku nor*
    tq sis!
    wah…lama tak nmpk kat sini…sian dia bz…semoga cpt pulih yer bintik2 itu!

  8. hepi besday to ur beloved hubby.. 😉

    tq areleez!

  9. happy birthday encik babah! 🙂

    tq sis mya!


    sesama baba 😉

  11. happy bday to ur hubby!

    taurus jugak..

    tq sis!
    taurus juga ke…hik hik

  12. happy besday to hubby lily…
    smoga bahagia selalu dan tambah baby..hiks

    tq reen!

  13. bg adiah apa ni??? hahahah sibuk jer nak tau…

    haha…asalnya malas nak bagitau…present biasa jer…aku bagi Ashworth’s shirt…tak
    dapat main golf pakai shirt dia pun jadilah…haha

  14. Happy Birthday to Lily’s husband..semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki…

    tq gina!

  15. happy birthday to ur hubby..may all his wishes come true..btw lily..u kena tag lagilah..kehkehkeh..

    tq dee!

    oh ok! nanti I terjah ur blog kay dear…

  16. Pweett!!Pweet!!.. lovey doveynya dia… :*

    Semoga hubby you and the whole RILLY’s clan di limpahi kesejahteraan tak terhingga dan di murahkan rezeki…

    tq aliah!
    aminnn…same goes to u…

  17. happy besday to ur hubby aka baba….:)

    tq viona!

  18. wahhh muda laie kak…leh dpt baby lg la…hihihi

    erkkk…lari topik ni 😛

  19. happy belated birthday!
    semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki

    tq ida!

  20. hepi besday to ur hubby…

    semoga panjang umur n di murahkan rezeki 🙂

    *mama mya*
    tq dear!

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