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my LiL’ HerO..zarif a.k.a abang turns 4 years old today 😉

you’re the precious gift that mama n baba got 4 years ago..
the one who gave us every joy on earth..
it’s you..abg 😉



few months


1 year old



2 years old




3 years old




4 years old…

if mama could’ve one wish in all the world on ur birthday..
mama wish that u would always be happy, forever healthy,
and that your life would be filled with all the things that
bring you laughter and love

happy beloved birthday my lil’ prince!

mama-baba-hasif a.k.a hero kecik


insyaAllah…mcm last year, the birthday party will be held together with
hero kecik’s birthday on july..this I promise u 😉

*_one of the greatest joy has been raising a son like u_*

Comments on: "happy beloved birthday to my LiL’ HerO..abg ;)" (15)

  1. “HAPPY BDAY ABANG” aunty doakan abang akan selalu di lindungi ALLAH dan menjadi anak yg soleh……b a good boy k, muachhhssssss……

    tq 😉
    ..amin..muahsss too 😀

  2. hepi b’day to you
    hepi b’day to you
    hepi b’day to abaaannnggg
    hepi b’day to you……

    smoga menjadi anak yg soleh & may all the best be yours!!


    tq ;)..siap nyanyi lagi..

  3. happy 4th birthday abg!
    moga sihat dan sentiasa menggembirakan ibubapanya selalu!
    dah beso nie jgn notty2 okey!! 😀

    tq 😉
    ..amin..insyaAllah tak notty..hikss

  4. epy bDay abg….da besHa t msti encem anak akak ni taO…

    tq 😉
    ..wahh tetiba puji ensem ni..tq 😛

  5. happy besday!!
    all the best in life untuk abang..muahss

    *ungku nor*
    tq 😉
    ..aminn..muahss too 😛

  6. happy birthday abang..wah dh bujang ni anak lily…siap rambut tegak2..same age with my mimi…cutelah abg masa kecik..geram je tgk…

    tq 😉
    ..tu mmg fav. dia rambut tegak2..ohh same age dgn mimi ekk..bleh geng ni..hehe

  7. dah 4 yrs old abang?
    hepi besday to abg…
    semoga membesar bagaikan juara!!

    aah dh 4 thn..hehe..tq 😉

  8. hepi belated birthday (^_^)

    tq 😉

  9. heppy beloved birthday to abang too!!!

    tq 😉

  10. happy birthday, abg!

    tomeinya gmbr masa baby..

    tq 😉
    ..hehe..sume baby comelkan..

  11. happy besday to him.. jangan nakal2 noo…

    tq 😉
    ..insyaAllah tak nakal 😛

  12. happy birthday 🙂
    note bwh tu touchingggg

    tq 😉

  13. alamak lmt wish la birthday abg
    auntie lama tak bukak blog
    apa pon
    happy birthday ye abg
    nnt on july jgn lupe jeput auntie, uncle n camimi dtg umah k
    tapi plg tak tahan tgk rambut abg tertacap tercacak tuh

    tq 😉
    no wonder lama u tak update..haa u dh blk masa bln 7 kan..
    mmg i akan jmpt u! geram dgn camimi!

  14. Happpy Belated Birthday Abang…

    Bila la auntie boleh dgr suara abg sorang nih….

    take good care of ur mom bila beso nanti..she luv u more than everything….


    tq for the wish dear 😉

  15. abanggg
    ensem dia nih tau..
    happy 4th birthday
    jgn nakal2
    jangan buli adik (eh tapi adik yg salu buli dia kan haha)
    semoga sihat sejahtera.. jadik anak yg berguna

    tq 😉
    hahahaa..betul tu..abg yg suka buli adik!

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