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the bloggy friend award ;)


wah..dah lama benda2 award ni tak sensasi da-bomm in my blog…
anyway, a beloved tq to my dearest bloggy friend..areleez..for the
precious award..’the bloggy friend award’..that was so sweet of u dear!

and now..i’m proud to handover this award to….! Ecehhh dug dag
dug dag ala2 slumdog millionaire ni (serious perghh they won 8 awards
kat grammy awards semalam!) back to the track..ok the nominees

sis rasp – vogue da’ vass! like ur smooccchh words!
angriani – bakal dpt baby baru..congrates dear
sis attiey – sentiasa diulit kata2 pujangga
sis princess N – ceria jer hidupnya
sis chadachada – suka cheer up ppl with her writings
sis dee – kuat makan tp badan comel jer..hikss
sis dewisoulhaa – study hard dear!
fea – all the best for ur marbeles bisnes
mrs taj – suka tgk gelagat ur sweet azim
viona – one happy family yg sungguh adorable
sis miluvia – bakal doctor yg bakal meletup..huhu
sis moralle – ratu cantik singapura 😉
sis yana – kiss n hugs for ur lil’ teddy
sis villaninda – jaga nama mmu bebaik..hikss
zana – flying kiss to ur adorable kids
sis ungku nor – ratu cantik malaya yg terer masak!
geina – all the best for ur weds preparation!

ok done! hehe..nama2 yg I pilih tu are my blogging friends..i get to know them thru blogging..then I start to jatuh chenta dgn mereka2..hikss..nama pun bloggy kena pilih dari kenalan thru blogging world too 😉

..kpd my fellow bloggers yg lain..i’m on the way utk jatuh chenta jugak
dgn kamu dan kamu kamu..have a great day!

*_such a precious time_*

Comments on: "the bloggy friend award ;)" (9)

  1. dgn akak??? tak jatuh chenta kaaa??
    *lari masuk dalam batu belah batu betangkup ;p*

    *ungku nor*
    mestilah jatuh chenta sgt! ishk..camne leh takde tadi..dlm draft ada..
    anyway ly dah update blk..n it’s for u too!

  2. oh ada gak utk saya ye…tenkiu2…sukerrr sgt…:)

    eh! mestilah ada..i love ur blog..n i pun sukerrr sgt nak bagi kat u the award 😉

  3. thanks yer lily…muahsss really appreciated it :d

    most welcome 😉

  4. va va va… me being nominated… nak speech ke..heheheheh…

    neway thx for the lovely award! jap gi i amiks k 😀

    bleh ajer klau u nak bg speech..ecehh..u deserved it sis!

  5. thx lily..ada ym x? kan senang sembang kat email/ym id add me…

    btw, i stayed at the same block as ur aunty..give me her address…for sure i know who she is..mostly who stayed there hv known each other for years…

    anyway, thanx a lot for the award..luv it very much!!

    my pleasure for the award 😉

    ok..i dah add ur ym..nnti free2 kita chat ekk aunty punya umah klau tak silap..90-08-01..kot..nama dia fatimah
    ..she’s a tailor..kenal ke??

  6. ohhhhhh sungguh touched tau sis…….ratu amplok singapore lah sis, typo error tu, hahaha………nanti I tepek kat blog yer, thank you, muachhhhhssss….

    ratu amplok = ratu cantik??..sorry baru tau..hikss!

  7. thanks for the award.. but nurul? bila masa nama saya nurul ni. hehehe..

    p/s : i’m yana by the way.. 😉

    sorry dear! i was leka chatting with my fren named nurul masa posting..huhu

  8. sis lily! big thanks for the award~
    i miss u~~!! n my 2 heroes!! wahh, buat hak milik kekal pulak.

    i couldnt open ur blog recently!!x leh loading lgsg~
    geram3! dkt 2 wiks gak la.
    myb coz of internet kot. huhu~

    newey, tq again 4 d award. 🙂

    my dear mar!
    no wonder lama tak nmpk kat last dpt gak bukak ekk 😉
    …takpe akak rela…my kids are urs too…

  9. tq kak!

    my pleasure dear!

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