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chaos at MPH :P


dah puas mata berpinar2 kat rainforest tadi..we went inside the mall
back :D..n we headed to MPH bookstores..compulsory punya monthly



baba kalau dah masuk sini terus lenyap ditelan keadaan..hikss 😛
kalau tak ke IT division..dia ke magazine division belek pasal cars
or computer situlah port dia in-case I lost him in there 😉

shirah plak hilang dalam lautan kena mengekori
the kids yg dah tentu terus headed to kids zone! I only had chance to
seek for my books bila the kiddos wasn’t around..pity me 😛


..cute kan book yg ala2 telephone-look-alike ni ;)..i passed to abg n hero
kecik..and they’re talking to each other like no other business!
hahahaa..sambil tu I carikan books for them..barulah tak kacau jiwa



if not..diorg akan lari sana sini tak tentu arah nmpk buku yg super
duper byk! nowadays kan they prefer books yg ada 2-ways
learning..means interactive..not only for reading but they could play
around with it sambil MPH is one of the best bookstore
that have this kinda so called interactive learning books/materials 😉


i’m done with the searching..time to headed to counterlah ini
2 anak takmau berganjak..duhh..! hehe..this was the last pics yg I dpt
captured sbb pastu I’d to chase them..sorg lari arah timur n sorg barat
..mmg susah giler ok cari anak2 yg tak cukup tinggi ni kat celah2 book

atas naluri yg kuat seorang ibu..muahahahaa..tau ajer kat mana the
kids was hiding ( haha..tipu 😛 ) I showed to them books I grabbed
for them..barulah their energy was like slowing down a bit..ok ini story
pasal 2 would it be kalau anak 5?? hehe..kesimpulannya
binalah sendiri library dirumah yg ala2 MPH ini..ehh mcm menarik
jer.. 😉

*_being a book-worm is good but don’t let the worm bites ur book..haha_*

Comments on: "chaos at MPH :P" (9)

  1. wahh….lepak kt mph…sonok gak kan…

    seronok gak..tenang jer

  2. masuk mph….hemh memang ghalit kalau masuk kedai buku tu…

    dihujani buku katakan

  3. klu anak 5? seme kena ikat! hahahahah

    budak2 mmg mcm tu la klu masuk dlm kedai buku mesti sronok..kite pun naik seronok sama nengok derang ralit baca buku (konon la mbaca dlm hati tak sabo nk berlari!! huhuhu)

    *mrs taj*

  4. cute nya chatterbooks tu!

    cute kann??

  5. tul sis, budak2 kecik yg kureng ketinggian tu will be lost in there… i ni 4 org..masing2 ada arah tujuan masing2..time nak balik, cam bus plak dok pi kutip2 sorang2 hehehehe..sib baik 3 dah besar tak yah nak berlari bagai..

    haha! part pi kutip mcm bas yg tak tahan tu

  6. bagus la depa suke duk kt bookstore..kalo kt tempat games caner?

    *sitie bum bum*
    haha! tmpt games haru jadinya!

  7. rajin anak2 akak ni

    bab wat kecoh mmg diorg rajin

  8. bagus bebudak tu suka duk kat bookstore, kecik-kecik lagi dah minat ngan buku

    mau tak suka..the area sgtlah attractive dgn colorfulnya..hehe

  9. hahahahaha…zana tak pernah lagi bawak anak masuk bookstores. mau tak tercarik apa nak carik.

    insya Allah.. once everything smooth, leh la jenjalan.. yee ha!!… tak sabarnyerrrrrrrrrrrr 😉

    haha..kena amik cabaran masuk ni!

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